Monday, February 25, 2008

Worship Review (240208) + Audio Mixer Basics 102


Here's the link to yesterday's Worship recording led by Jeremiah.

In Audio Mixer Basics 101 we touched on the following key areas:
(i) Channel: what is it?
(ii) Attaining Optimum sound mix => tgt signal output "0 db" mark
(iii) Controls: Gain/Trim, Fader, EQ (Treble/Mids/Bass)
Philosophy: "Less is actually ...More"

Here's a continuation to Audio Mixer Basics 102. Check it out!

Our Utmost for His Highest

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Worship Review + Audio Mixer Basics 101

Hi all,

Posting another Worship Session review. This time, it's of last week's session led by John and the Youth Band. I had intended to post this Sunday's session led by Vernon, however, the recording was truncated leaving on the Doxology portion : }.

So ... here's the link and pls comment away ....

With the whole emphasis on Worship bands playing tighter, I think it'll be useful to balance with a "back to the basics" emphasis on Audio Mixer Controls. Remember ... the hours spent on practices by the worship bands will only bear fruit if the sound coming forth from the mixer is just as excellent. However ... what's considered "excellent"? As a first step, lets explore this clip ...

My Utmost for His Highest